Looking for the best Horst P Horst quotes? Then you’ve come to the right place. Below we have listed the 11 best Horst quotes to inspire you and help take your photography to the next level.
If you haven’t done so already, we recommend reading our Horst P. Horst master profile article to learn more about his remarkable fashion, portrait and commercial photography work.
Horst P Horst Quotes
I like taking photographs because I like life. And I like photographing people best of all because most of all I love humanity.
You should find these things yourself. You should never copy, I never look at other photographers work. You have to see it for yourself.
All my best photos have a little bit of mess.
To get this shot, it took two days. It was the idea that counted then, not the sort of nervous rush they work in today.
Noel Coward taught me how to relax. He told me I shouldn’t worry because the subjects themselves were so frightened by the camera that they hardly saw me. That really loosened me up. But you can hide behind the camera – Clare Luce showed me that. She had been drawing on a piece of paper during our session. Afterward, I asked her what she’d been doing – and she’d drawn a sketch of me. That made me feel very self-conscious.
I don’t think photography has anything remotely to do with the brain. It has to do with eye appeal.
Fashion is an expression of the times. Elegance is something else again.

I was told that no model was to be photographed with her feet more than 12 inches apart, standing or walking. A photograph that I took of a girl sitting on the floor had to be retaken ‘because no lady sits on the floor.
[On his iconic corset photo] I left the studio at 4:00 a.m., went back to the house, picked up my bags, and caught the 7:00 a.m. train to Le Harve to board the Normandy… For me, this photograph is the essence of that moment. While I was taking it, I was thinking of all that I was leaving behind.
I had never photographed a corset before. It wasn’t easy. The light in the photo is more complex than you think. It looks as though there is only one light source. But there were reflectors and extra spotlights as well. I don’t know how I did it. I couldn’t repeat it. It was created by emotion.
[On portraits] I don’t make up my mind before, however, when I photograph them and something’s happening then you have to catch it and understand it. Try and bring it out. I don’t think we should photograph somebody with a pre-conceived idea… then it’s not the person.
It’s not how many or what kinds of lights you use, but how they are placed.
What’s your Favorite Horst P Horst Quote?
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If you would like to learn more about Horst’s photography, we recommend reading our Horst P. Horst master profile article. To see more of his remarkable fashion photography work, check out the image archive on the Horst P. Horst Foundation website.
Looking for more words of wisdom from master photographers? Check out the quotes section of Photogpedia for more great photography quotes.
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